Information according to § 5 TMG:
LAUFER Valve Technology Inc.
2300 Walnut Ave., Suite Q-R
Signal Hill, CA 90755
United States of America

T: 562.232.4777
F: 844.802.1610

LAUFER Valve Technology Inc. is a 100% subsidiary of LIAG® LÄUFER International AG/Germany

President M.Sc. Economics Michael Laeufer
Vice President M.Sc. Eng. Andreas Staerr
Technical and graphical design Advertising agency
teufels GmbH
Konzeption, Design und Entwicklung
teufels - Marke. Kreation. Digitales Business.

Settlement of disputes
The European Commission is providing an online dispute resolution (OS) platform: You will find our e-mail address at the top of the imprint. We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration body.