Disclosure in Compliance with California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB657)
Issue: 06/2016
This disclosure is designed to provide information to consumers, allowing them to make informed decisions about the products they buy and companies they support. Retailers and manufacturers, doing business in the state of California, and of a certain size, are required to disclose the measures taken to track the possibility of human trafficking, forced labor, and slavery in their supply chains. LAUFER Valve strives to always conduct business in a moral and legal manner. For these reasons, LAUFER Valve does not knowingly support businesses that may allow this to occur within their own supply chain. Reviews to LAUFER Valve procedures and programs occur on an ongoing basis to ensure that amendments and adjustments are made as necessary, to cover the specific topics covered in the law.
LAUFER Valve does not require certifications from our vendors/partners that they are free of human trafficking, forced labor, and slavery in their own supply chains. LAUFER Valve expects that all vendors/partners, and their supply chains, comply with human trafficking, forced labor, and slavery, both legally and morally, in the countries in which they, or their supply chains, do business.
LAUFER Valve does not perform supply chain audits of their suppliers, but does require vendor/partners to adhere to LAUFER Valves standards of moral and legal business practices, regardless of where in their global supply chain the items or service is sourced.
LAUFER Valve does not have a supplier certification process pertaining to human trafficking, forced labor, or slavery. If it becomes known that a potential, or current supplier, knowingly or unknowingly utilizes human trafficking, forced labor, or slavery in the course of their business operations, LAUFER Valves board of directors will determine if the relationship will be severed, or if other improvements can be made to rectify the situation in order to retain or reinstate the relationship.
Internal Accountability
LAUFER Valves reputation for integrity and excellence requires careful observance of the spirit and letter of all applicable laws and regulations, as well as regard for the highest standards of conduct and personal integrity. LAUFER Valve will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expects its directors, officers, and employees to conduct business accordingly, especially as laws and ethics apply to human trafficking, forced labor, and slavery.
LAUFER Valves employees are trained to do their jobs ethically, courteously, and expeditiously. LAUFER Valves employee handbook states, regarding business conduct and ethics, that each employee owes a duty to LAUFER Valve and its customers to act in a way that will merit the continued trust and confidence of the public. Employees are trained to approach their direct supervisor for guidance in situations where they are not certain how to determine a proper course of action. If an employee learns of a supply chain breach of trust or ethical dilemma, they will follow this same procedure, and escalate if necessary, until a satisfactory resolution has been met.
LAUFER Valve Technology Inc.
2300 Walnut Ave, Suite Q-R
Signal Hill, CA 90755
T: (562) 232-4777
F: (844) 802-1610